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Brewing the Future: Uniqlo Coffee - Mural Project


Uniqlo Philippines




Illustration / Mural Painting

Design Plan

Brewing the Future

As part of Uniqlo Philippines Flagship Store's 5th-anniversary celebration, We created an artwork that revolves around the idea of "brewing the future".


The mural design depicts a community of creative people interacting with each other in one space. Within each scene, coffee cups emit steam adorned with patterns, symbolizing the way coffee's aroma sparks creativity. It also portrays Manila as a dynamic hub, attracting people to come together, savor coffee, exchange ideas, and envision opportunities for the future. 

Production Phase

Mural Painting

It took us a total of 6 days to finish the mural, just in time for the launch of the brand's new coffee shop.


Muralists: Glendford Lumbao, Wyn Ford Lumbao, John Cārl Carbayar Cañal 

Documentation: Esow Bee

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